Sight Savers International

Sight Savers International
For someone who is blind, the gift of sight is the greatest gift of all!

Thursday 30 October 2008

Sight Savers International

For while now I help donate to an International charity organization called Sight Savers International, my contributions are used to support their vital work in preventing river blindness, providing antibiotics and operations to combat trachoma, and surgery to cure eyes clouded by cataracts. Being able to rehabilitate blind and visually impaired adults and children in the poorest countries, this allows them to transform their own lives and become independent.

How I happened to come across this charity was when I was myself searching on information regarding Eye sight, as due to my migraines it affects my eyesight when I get an attack. Currently I take Amnitriptyline daily and if a severe attack comes I take Naratriptan (Naramig). I have suffered from migraines since the age of 12, and I do find this medication does help me. It did depress me for many years because I felt my migraines would hinder me from progressing on fulfilling my dreams. I do not just take the medication into consideration, but prayer too, eating the correct diet & keeping fit. :-)

In Gambia, are community-based eye-care workers, called NYATEROS. The volunteers like Babu Ceesay, Alagie and Jebel screen members of their communities to identify people who need help and educate everyone about the importance of eye health.

However, each action, no matter how small is a contribution to making a positive change.

For someone who is blind, the gift of sight is the greatest gift of all!

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