Sight Savers International

Sight Savers International
For someone who is blind, the gift of sight is the greatest gift of all!

Thursday 30 October 2008

Fortune Muparutsa Rest In Peace

To my knowledge, i've just heard that Fortune Muparutsa (Zimbabwean Music Artist) past away in Northampton, UK, on Saturday 25, October 2008.

My condolensces to his family & friends.

He had come along way since his first release in 1992, with his ambition to break into the International music industry,his unreleased song Dreamgal was recommended by R'n'B Senegalese superstar Akon, as hot.

For more info on Fortune please check his Myspace. I hope even though he has departed, that his dream be fulfilled one day of his music beign recognised Internationally & another fellow Zimbabwean to out our country on the Map once again.

Jah bless him on his journey.

One love

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