Sight Savers International

Sight Savers International
For someone who is blind, the gift of sight is the greatest gift of all!

Thursday, 29 November 2007

Botswana and Nambia Visit

The National Museum of Namibia


Formerley known as Bechuanaland
Capital: Gaborone
Native Tribes: Tswana, Ndebele [from Kalahari Desert]
Languages: English & Tswana
Indenpedence from British:30 Sept. 1994
President: Festus Mogae
Main Resources: Diamonds

Formerley known as South West Africa
Capital: Windhoek
Native Tribes: Bushmen, Bantu, Damara & Namqua
Languages: English, Oshiwambo, German, Portuguese & Afrikaans
Independence from South Africa: 1990
Indepedence from British for Walvis Bay:1994
President: Hifikepunye Pohamba

Map of Namib & Kalahari Desert

Besides the deliscious food and magnificent art, the nature was most of all so beautiful and the tourist guides were Zimbabwean. Given the chance, i asked for his permission to add these pictures to my blog, so that many other people out there would might want to one day travel there themselves.

The Okavango Delta in Botswana is the world’s largest inland Delta

The Kalahari Desert is a large arid to semi-arid sandy area in Southern Africa covering much parts of Botswana and parts of Namibia & South Africa.

The Namib Desert in Namibia has the one of the largest Sand Dunes in the world, Dune 7.

Southern African Development Community

SADC - Southern African Development Community, has been in existence since, 1980, when it was established by 9 Government States of Southern Africa known as SADCC (Southern African Development Coordination Conference) formed on April 1, 1980 in Lusaka, Zambia, later transformed on August 17, 1992 to SADC.

SADC Head Quarters are located in Gaborone, Botswana.

It was created for Economic Liberation.

Working languages - English, French & Portuguese.

SADC and its member States are expected to act according to the following principles:
Sovereign equality of all member States;
Solidarity, peace and security;
Human rights, democracy, and the rule of law;
Equity, balance and mutual benefit;
Peaceful settlement of disputes

The objectives of SADC are to:
Achieve development and economic growth, alleviate poverty, enhance the standard and quality of life of the people of Southern Africa and support the socially disadvantaged through regional integration;
Evolve common political values, systems and institutions;
Promote and defend peace and security;
Promote self-sustaining development on the basis of collective self-reliance, and the interdependence of Member States;
Achieve complementarity between national and regional strategies and programmes;
Promote and maximise productive employment and utilisation of resources of the Region;
Achieve sustainable utilisation of natural resources and effective protection of the environment;
Strengthen and consolidate the long standing historical, social and cultural affinities and links among the people of the Region.

The ultimate objective of SADC, the Community is, therefore, to build a Region in which there will be a high degree of harmonisation and rationalisation to enable the pooling of resources to achieve collective self-reliance in order to improve the living standards of the people of the region.




The SADC vision is one of a common future, a future in a regional community that will ensure economic well-being, improvement of the standards of living and quality of life, freedom and social justice and peace and security for the peoples of Southern Africa.

SADC has 15 member states:

Angola, Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Swaziland, Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe,
Nambia [since 31 Mar. 1990], South Africa [since 30 Aug. 1994], Mauritius [28 Aug. 1995]
Democratic Republic of Congo [since 8 Sept. 1997], Madagascar [since 18 Aug. 2005], Seychelles [since 15 Aug. 2007]

Wednesday, 28 November 2007


Tostan's mission is to empower African communities to bring about sustainable development and positive social transformation based on respect for human rights. Tostan means "breakthrough" in the West African language of Wolof.
Due a book i'm currently reading called Enslaved by Rahila Gupta. It has made me more aware of the issues young women are facing especially in Africa. As i am only on the first chapter of the book it is true experiences of a young Somali girl. But i have found a certain subject very disturbing for me called FGM (Female Genital Mutilation) and happens to young girls between the ages of 4 & 8 years old. For me to find out more information on this i read up more on the subject and came across, it happens in at least 28 African Countries due to Cultural beliefs and for some Religious.
I am not one to judge anyone for their beliefs or religion, this is just plainly on the humanitarian side of things. And i feel female circumcison is not right at all.I watched a clip on it too, and i actually became sick and teary eyed. I however searched on organisations that deal with the eradication of this practice and i came across Tostan, i am now a member of them too to campaign against such and assist in anyway i can as i am not in that much of a higher position to do anything. I have sent messages to other organisations like the UN, the African Union , WHO and many others to find out more on this and what has been done so far to put an end to this.
Tostan works towards Abandoning Female Genital Cutting, Ending Child/Forced Marriage, Protecting Maternal & Child Health and Preventing & Treating Malaria.
FGM is a social custom, not a religious practice.
Female Genital Mutilation

Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is a cultural practice that started in Africa approximately 2000 years ago. It is primarily a cultural practice, not a religious practice. But some religions do include FGM as part of their practices. This practice is so well ingrained into these cultures, it defines members of these cultures. In order to eliminate the practice one must eliminate the cultural belief that a girl will not become a women without this procedure.

What is Female Genital Mutilation?

Female Genital Mutilation is the term used for removal of all or just part of the external parts of the female genitalia. There are three varieties to this procedure.

Sunna Circumcision - consists of the removal of the prepuce(retractable fold of skin, or hood) and /or the tip of the clitoris. Sunna in Arabic means "tradition".

Clitoridectomy - consists of the removal of the entire clitoris (prepuce and glands) and the removal of the adjacent labia.

Infibulation(pharonic circumcision)-- consists of performing a clitoridectomy (removal of all or part of the labia minora, the labia majora). This is then stitched up allowing a small hole to remain open to allow for urine and menstrual blood to flow through.
In Africa 85% of FGM cases consist of Clitoridectomy and 15% of cases consist of Infibulation. In some cases only the hood is removed.

What is the age, the procedure used and the side effects?

The age the procedure is carried out varies from just after birth to some time during the first pregnancy, but most cases occur between the ages of four and eight. Most times this procedure is done with out the care of medically trained people, due to poverty and lack of medical facilities. The use of anesthesia is rare. The girl is held down by older women to prevent the girl from moving around. The instruments used by the mid-wife will vary and could include any of the following items; broken glass, a tin lid, razor blades, knives, scissors or any other sharp object. These items usually are not sterilized before or after usage. Once the genital area for removal is gone, the child is stitched up and her legs are bound for up to 40 days.

This procedure can cause various side effects on the girls which can include death. Some of the results of this procedure are serious infections, HIV, abscesses and small benign tumors, hemorrhages, shock, clitoral cysts. The long term effects may also include kidney stones, sterility, sexual dysfunction, depression, various urinary tract infections, various gynecological and obstetric problems.

In order to have sexual intercourse the women have to be opened up in some fashion and in some cases cutting is necessary. After child birth some women are re-infibulated to make them (tight) for their husbands.

Is this practice a cultural or religious practice?

In an FGM society, a girl can not be considered to be an adult until she has undergone this procedure. As well as in most cultures a women can not marry with out FGM. The type of procedure used will vary with certain conditions and these conditions could include the females ethic group, the country they live in, rural or urban areas, as well as their socioeconomic provenance.

FGM is a culture identity practice. The fact that the procedure helps to define who is the group, is obvious in cultures that carry out this procedure as an initiation into womanhood. Most FGM societies feel that unless a girl has this procedure done she is not a woman as well as removal of these practices would lead to the demise of their culture.

FGM societies have many claims of why this procedure should be done and these are as follows:
In most FGM societies one important belief is that this procedure will reduce a women's desire for sex and in doing so will reduce the chance of sex outside the marriage. This is vital to this society as her honor for the family is depended on her not to be opened up prior to marriage.
Some view the clitoris and the labia as male parts on a female body, thus removal of these parts enhances the femininity of the girl.

It is also believed that unless a female has undergone this procedure she is unclean and will not be allowed to handle food or water.

Some groups believe that if the clitoris touches a man's penis the man will die. As well as the belief that if a baby's head touches the clitoris that the baby will die or the breast milk will be poisonous.

The belief that an unmutilated female can not conceive, therefore the female should be militated in order to become fertile.
Bad genital odors can only be eliminated by removing the clitoris and labia minora.
Prevents vaginal cancer.
An unmodified clitoris can lead to masturbation or lesbianism.
Prevents nervousness from developing in girls and women.
Prevents the face from turning yellow.
Makes a women's face more beautiful.
Older men may not be able to match their wives sex drive.

Intact clitoris will generate sexual arousal and in women if repressed can cause nervousness. FGM does predate Islam, but most Muslims do not practice this. FGM was also practice by Falasha (Ethiopian Jews).
The Creator apparently created the clitoris for the sole purpose of generating pleasure. It has no other purpose. There is no instructions in the Qur'an or in the writings of the Prophet Mohammed which require that the clitoris be surgically modified. Thus the Creator must approve of its presence. And also, it should not be removed or reduced in size or function.

Mutilated genitalia reduces or eliminates a women's pleasure during the act.
There is an estimated 135 million girls and women that have gone through this procedure with an additional 2 million a year at risk. This procedure is practiced in Africa (28 countries), Middle East, parts of Asia It is now believed that the practice originated in Africa and is a cultural practice.
Amnesty International now has taken up the fight to do away with this practice that mutilates millions of girls each year. Today FGM is seen as a human rights issue and is recognized at an international level. FGM was in the universal framework for protection of human rights that was tabled in the 1958 united Nation agenda. It was during the UN Decade for Women (1975-1985) that a UN Working Group on Traditional Practices Affecting the Health of Women and Children was created. This group helped to develop and aided to the development of the 1994 Plan of Action for the Elimination of Harmful Traditional Practices Affecting the Health of women and Children. the World Health Organization, the United Nations Children's' Fund and the Untied Nations Population Fund, unveiled a plan in April 1997 that would bring about a major decline in FGM within 10 years and the complete eradication of the practice within three generations.

I do hope one day this practice will be eradicated and people should stop treating people as objects but as a human being.

United Nations

Currently i am an online member of the United Nations Foundation, they strive to promote a peaceful and prosperous world. By being a member, they keep me up to date with current UN developments from all sectors and news from around the world.

One of the main topics is Global Warming. It is a very complex situation as i am not a scientist do not have very much knowledge on it, so after reading a book called Global Warming, by author Mark Maslin, i now seem to have a much better view on the subject.

Global Warming:

Is caused by massive increase of greenhouse gases i.e. CO2 in the atmosphere resulting from burning of fossil fuels & deforestation.

Global warming affects economics, sociology, geopolitics & local individuals and results in climate change - change in global temp, rainfall pattern, expansion & contraction of ice sheets, sea level variations.

IPCC - est in 1988 by UNEF (United Nations Environmental Panel) & World Metrological Organisation

IPCC - Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, shows evidence of 0.6˚C in global temp & 20 cm rise in sea level and by 2100 there could be 1.4-5.8˚C global temp and 20-88cm sea level increase. Increased temperatures causes flood and storms & huge reserves of methane underneath the ocean could actually release and cause catastrophe.
The temperature of the earth is controlled by balance between input of energy of the sun & loss of this back into space. 1/3 radiation is absorbed in space, the rest absorbed by land & oceans
Earth’s surface warms & emits long-wave ‘infrared’ radiation.

Naturally occurring greenhouse gases - water vapour, ozone, methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N20), CO2
First measurement of CO2 was taken in 1958 on Mauna Loa, Hawaii

Earth has 1% other gases, 78% nitrogen & 21% 0xygen

1st . Burning fossil fuels (Energy production industrial gassers & transport)

2nd Deforestation (Cutting forests for agriculture, urbanization of roads, land use change)

1896 Swedish scientist Svante confirmed by Thomas Chamberlain that human activity could warm the earth

And the CO2 molecule is absorbed after 10 years into the sea. What an interesting fact!

Basically it makes me wonder if Global Warming is due to us humans or is it just nature evolving because the book stated that we could experience another Ice Age in 5,000 years but if the warming continues we could experience the next Ice Age in 45,000 years.

However, now i make sure i do not leave appliances on stand by and only switch on the lights in the room i will be at that present moment.

I hope you all try to help save the Mother Earth.

UNICEF - United Nations Children Fund

I have enquired on joining the UNICEF Youth Group, so am currently awaiting feedback, but once i do i will be excited, because it will give me the opportunity help add an optimistic change in other peoples lives.

UNICEF strives to promote health, education, equality, protection and humanity for children around the globe.

Some of their tragets are improved sanitation facilities, better education on HIV & Aids and the right for all children to receive basic education inorder for them acquire skills so that they may know-how to stand on their own two feet and seek an optimistic future.