Sight Savers International

Sight Savers International
For someone who is blind, the gift of sight is the greatest gift of all!

Friday, 9 March 2007


Firstly, I would like to thank everyone whom has viewed and taken time to read the information on my site.

All my life i have being a very ambitious but shy or reserved person. Only now at a later stage in life i have developed more confidence in myself and working at my dreams, performing dance and hopefully one day to be an entrepeneur with the aim to have an urban afro fashion label. I am generally a benevolent person and always with a big smile, I am not perfect but i always have respects for others. I grew up an average life and appreciated all i was given. I went to a private school in Harare which gave me a fabulous education and makes me part of the person i am today.I do not have one person in particular that inspired me but too many to mention including my the Lord, Myself, my Mother, my Father,mi hermoso, my 2 fav Uncle's, my aunt whom i call the 'the unsung heroine', she has dedicated her life to helping improve other people's lives through numerous ways, Marcus Garvey, Molly Melching whom through Tostan has helped to educate people in West Africa on the dangers of female genital mutilation and Bob Marley as not only is he a legend but his music touched peoples hearts and he used his music to fight against racism, cultural imperialism and apartheid, but he also used it to promote love amongst everyone in the world and for people to coalesce . I also admire Princess Diana for her humanitarian work, her charisma and with helping to decrease discrimination against victims of AIDS. She showed the world that people with AIDS deserve no isolation, but compassion and kindness. It helped change world's opinion, and gave hope to people with AIDS. And last but not least Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela (former President of South Africa). He was an anti-apartheid activist and leader of the African National Congress and its armed wing Umkhonto we Sizwe. He has received many awards over four decades, most notably the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993. Since his retirement, one of his primary commitments has been to the fight against AIDS, therefore this shows his compassion. It’s not only important to look for ways to make our life better but also the life of others.

My dream in life was to go to the ultimate in life but to always have people dear to me in my heart.

Being overseas has broadened my mind so much that i thank all that have contributed to my current stay and life. I hope one day i can be in a position to not only promote Zimbabwe but other countries as well including charitable organisations. My heart goes out to those that are not well off especially children that are innocent or go hungary.Africa is a continent still developing but suffering from poverty, economic challenges and the deadly disease AIDS. No matter how hard your life is we must never give up on hope, there will always be someone to asisst you in ways that you can not help yourself.If only more people in Africa were educated, especially the girl child. They would be able to know there is no cure for Aids, and on preventative measures to be undertaken so they do not contract the disease and the event if they are widowed to be able to work for their children and give them a plate of food. I would like to thank all those people in the world that are fighting towards improving Africa and helping it's people.

We however, all need to live as a peace loving nation and work for world peace and security. We need to promote people's general welfare and to support liberties and rights of individuals to determine their own future.Basically the best gift we all have been given is the gift of 'love' and we should all cherish that.
My goal is to encourage optimism and belief in one’s self, the choices we make, determine our life’s course, we are all unique and different in our own ways and this is a treasure to be celebrated. We must live in a way that allows us to achieve our goals.


NGO Charities & HIV/AIDS

Save the Children

Over 10 million people in Southern Africa are at risk from a severe food crisis caused by a combination of drought, poverty and HIV/AIDS. The crisis is affecting approximately 4.8 million people in Malawi, 3.8 million in Zimbabwe, 0.8 million in Mozambique, and 1 million in Zambia

Jairos Jiri Association for Rehabilitation of the Disabled and Blind

401 Southampton House,
Main Street/9th Avenue,PO Box 1529, Bulawayo, , Zimbabwe.
Tel: +263 9 74331 Fax: +263 9 74333
Email: Mr. Ruvhere

The association was set up to assist, treat and rehabilitate persons with physical, visual or hearing impairments; to establish clinics, schools, centres, and other institutions for the education and welfare of the handicapped; to liaise with the government of Zimbabwe, local and international agencies for the benefit of the handicapped.

Zimbabwe National Association for Mental Health (ZIMNAMH)

Physical address TBA Postal address P.O. Box A196, Avondale, Harare, Zimbabwe Telephone +263-(0)4-731272,792946,728538
Fax +263-(0)4-792946
Email address
Contact: Mrs. E. Mutare

• To represent the interests of people who suffer from mental health problems and facilitate their participation in issues which directly affect them;
• To work towards better care, treatment and rehabilitation of people who suffer from mental health problems and
• To promote mental health for all throughout Zimbabwe.

National Association of Societies for the Care of the Handicapped (NASCOH)

Physical address 11 Peebles Rd, Eastlea, Harare, Zimbabwe
Postal address P.O. Box UA504, Union Ave, Harare, Zimbabwe
Telephone +263-(0)4-746967, (0)11- 862072, (0)91-385417
Fax +263-(0)4-776683 -
to be transferred Email address
Web address
Contact: Mr. Mukuta – Director

The mission is to lobby and advocate with and for people with disabilities to uphold their rights in line with international conventions, e.g. the UN Standard Rules in order to improve the lives and well being of people with disabilities in Zimbabwe. This is done through facilitation of co-ordination and co-operation between CBOs, NGOs, government departments and other stakeholders.

St. Giles Medical Rehabilitation Centre
P.O.Box A 224, Avondale, Harare
Tel: 04-704691/3/5, 04-726777
Fax: 04-704691/3
Contact: Mr. P Rukodzi
St Giles is a medical rehabilitation centre dedicated to the rehabilitation of adults and children with all types of physical disabilities. It aims to be the leading provider of rehabilitation services in Zimbabwe.

Zimbabwe Widows and Orphans Trust,
Mrs. Susan Zwinoira,
114 Eastern Road,Greendale,Harare,Zimbabwe.
(263) 4 - 494416

The Zimbabwe Widows Association, formed in 1996, later to become the Zimbabwe Widows and Orphans Trust (ZWOT), was established to assist grief and poverty- stricken widows and orphans. ZWOT has in excess of 25,000 members and new members continue to join daily. These members live in all provinces of Zimbabwe.

At present, there are over 1 million widows and 4 million orphans in Zimbabwe. Many of these women and children owe their plight to the HIV/AIDS epidemic sweeping sub-Saharan Africa.
Mrs Susan Zwinoira President & Founder

ZWOT is a non-denominational, non-political, non-racial, voluntary organisation. It is a registered Trust, welfare no. MA 755/99, with its headquarters located in Harare. An executive committee, which is comprised of a President, five Trustees, and several volunteers, administers the organisation. Each member of the executive committee is a widow.

United Nations

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Zimbabwe is an impartial and trusted development partner. The organisation strives to contribute within the scope of its overall mandate and in full use of its comparative advantages to national priorities and to the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

Field Office
Mail address

UNICEFP.O. Box 1250Harare, Zimbabwe
Visitors' address

UNICEF6 Fairbridge AvenueBelgraviaHarare, Zimbabwe

Country code
City code



World Vision International

World Vision International is a Christian relief and development organisation working for the well being of all people, especially children. Through emergency relief, education, health care, economic development and promotion of justice, World Vision helps communities help themselves.
Established in 1950 to care for orphans in Asia, World Vision has grown to embrace the larger issues of community development and advocacy for the poor in its mission to help children and their families build sustainable futures.

Working on six continents, World Vision is one of the largest Christian relief and development organisations in the world.

The heart of World Vision's work is in helping communities build stronger and healthier relationships. The absence of such relationships impoverishes communities.
Who we are (English pdf)
Who we are (Spanish pdf)

World Vision focuses on children because they are the best indicator of a community's social health. When children are fed, sheltered, schooled, protected, valued, and loved a community thrives.

AIDS in Zimbabwe

1,700,000: Estimated number of people living with HIV/AIDS by the end of 2005

160,000: Estimated number of children (ages 0-15) living with HIV/AIDS by the end of 2005

180,000: Estimated number of deaths due to AIDS during 2005

1,100,000: Estimated number of children who have lost one or both parents to AIDS and who were alive and under the age of 17 end of 2005.

Hello All,

Please take the time to read!

Just would like to share a bit of what I learnt from a television program I watched recently. It was about HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) and AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency syndrome) 7 hr program split into 2.

Where did it come from?

The earliest known case of HIV-1 in a human was from a blood sample collected in 1959 from a man in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo. (How he became infected is not known.) Genetic analysis of this blood sample suggested that HIV-1 may have stemmed from a single virus in the late 1940s or early 1950s.
It is now generally accepted that HIV is a descendant of a Simian Immunodeficiency Virus because certain strains of SIVs bear a very close resemblance to HIV-1 and HIV-2, the two types of HIV.
HIV-2 for example corresponds to SIVsm, a strain of the Simian Immunodeficiency Virus found in the sooty mangabey (also known as the green monkey), which is indigenous to western Africa.
How did it Spread?

Basically, everyone is very clueless to how it spread but there are theories that many people came up with:-
1. Being that an African Hunter in Congo could have become infected whilst killing a primate for a meal and therefore his blood being contaminated by SIV then developing into HIV, what I would like to know is how come the chimpanzees do not die like the humans.
2. Some believe that we evolved from monkeys into humans so therefore carry it our bodies but! Takes something to trigger it off.
3. Some believe that the CIA developed a ‘Cancer like Virus’ to wipe out Africans and homosexual men.
4. Some believe that back in the colonial days, if a hunter was infected, people didn’t know back then so the sharing of needles to immunize slaves from certain diseases, but meanwhile that sharing was infecting many slaves.
5. Some feel it’s a curse from God because of immoral sexual practices because it was first found in a homo-sexual man in the early 1980’s in America
It is likely that we will never know exactly how or when the AIDS actually originated. Scientists investigating the possibilities often become very attached to their individual 'pet' theories and insist that theirs is the only true answer, but the spread of AIDS could quite conceivably have been induced by a combination of many different events. Whether through injections, travel, wars, colonial practices or genetic engineering, the realities of the 20th Century have undoubtedly had a major role to play. So perhaps what we should be focusing on now is not how the AIDS epidemic originated, but how we can treat those affected by it, continue to prevent the spread of HIV and change our world to ensure a similar pandemic is never allowed to occur again.

How is the Virus affecting us in today’s lives?

Firstly, HIV transmission is on the increase daily. Because

1. We are in denial (not getting tested, mother to baby transmission)
2. We fail to be more educated on the lethal death sentence
3. We are not morally focused (many sexual partners, prostitutes, orgis in call houses, unprotected sex)
4. Drugs (sharing of needles for heroine and cocaine, razor blades)

What is best for us to suggest is:-

Get Tested even if you are a virgin or married etc……..Because HIV doesn’t discriminate any human, it infects anyone regardless of Age, Wealth, Colour, Religion etc.

HIV is a massive pandemic causing destruction.

One phrase someone said on the program was that even though we had 2 million people on anti retrovirals, another 15 million got infected in that short space of time that they managed to help 2 million. So that just shows the impact of this deadly virus.

So please everyone get tested as well as your partners and learn to talk open about HIV

Practice safe use of condoms if sexually active, remember male condoms
Check expiry date
Open the packet without tearing condom
Blow the condom to put air and when you slide it on pinch the top and leave a little gap so that the friction does not cause it to tear

Try to be faithful, if not please use protection

They did not say about the female condom, so sorry don’t have much info on that as yet.

Do not sell yourself for money either.

Back to transmission

Since people did not know much about HIV, haemophilacs needed blood transfusions therefore back on the days people donated blood for money and so many children got infected too causing havoc in the states and discrimination and ill treatment of people with the Virus as due to lack of knowledge. So this added to the spread.

Sometimes it’s not always someone fault, like one lady in SA was gang raped and she didn’t know she had HIV till when her baby was born and was ill all the time. Sometimes it’s not fair!! But this one woman from Uganda was lucky, her husband had HIV but bcoz they used condoms instead of the pill she didn’t get infected, because he was unfaithful to her.

But as the next generation of people we should try to reduce HIV together by telling others and trying to practice safe sex unless u are both faithful and have being tested.
Encourage people to get off hardcore drugs and needles getting help, improve your sexuality with your partner instead of going to look for a prostitute, she might be beautiful as gold but is it worth it

The reason why I shared this with you all is because I care for you all , none of us are perfect as we are humans, but to help in the fight against AIDS we can change the world.

Some people had to take about tablets form 20 to 36 a day jst to control the virus.

We also have to thank the scientists that are working hard to find a cure and for the anti-retrovirals, because they thing is HIV does not stay the same, it mutates therefore causing some drugs not to work, that jst shows the impact of it. So scientists have to always be making up new ones, but for how long??????

You can not catch aids from hugging someone or a handshake. Only if you are in contact with their blood or bodily sexual fluids. There is HIV in Saliva but not enough to infect someone. You can get HIV by kissing if both partners have open sores or cuts in the mouth because that would be via blood contact.

But even if one has HIV do not ever stop loving them!

My greatest fear in the world is to get the disease, and I wonder if the whole world will b contaminated with it in time to come if things do not change.

I hope I have made everyone more aware on the disease and hope it has helped everyone. Please do not feel offended by me posting this, all I was doing was just helping to fight against Aids.
Instead of looking for someone to blame for the disease, we need to help fight it!

Thank you for you time spent reading.

God Bless!

Victoria Falls [Mosi-oa-Tunya] “ the smoke that thunders”

One of the seven natural wonders of the world. The rare taita falcon and black eagle breed in the Batoka Gorge. The Falls have a width of over 1,7 km, plunging some 70-108 metres into the gorge below at the rate of 550 million litres per minute during the high-water season. Dr. David Livingstone (1813-1873), Scottish doctor and missionary, also a pioneer for the abolition of the slave trade, discovered the waterfall on his voyage in Africa. He was popular among the native tribes in Africa. It was named after Queen Victoria.
Hotels & Lodges in Vic Falls:-

Victoria Falls Safari Lodge (One of the best Lodges in Victoria Falls)

Zambezi River & National Park

Zambezi is Africa’s fourth largest River system, after the Nile, Zaire and Niger Rivers. It runs through six countries on it’s journey from central Africa to the Indian Ocean. Its unique value is that it is less developed than others in terms of human settlement and many areas along it’s banks enjoy protected status.

It's power has carved the spectacular Victoria Falls and the zigzagging Batoka Gorge (see at Victoria Falls).
Hotels & Lodges in Zambezi Region:-

Baobab Tree


Kariba Dam

The people who suffered most by the dam’s construction are the Batonga tribe. They were forcibly moved from their ancestral riverside lands into the harsh interior, but they were convinced that the wrathful river god Nyaminyami would come to their rescue.

Kariba Dam was constructed between 1955 and 1959, Completed in 1960, it is the second largest man-made dam ever built. Situated in the NW of the country on the Zambian Border, Lake Kariba covers 7770 sq km (3000 sq miles). Game can be viewed fro the comfort of various Safari Camps and cruises are available. In 1958 when the dam was finished, the water began to rise at a rate a couple of metres (several feet) a day and many animals became stranded on rapidly shrinking islands and without help they were doomed to drown.

But a local group of dedicated volunteers set up the Zambian safari rescue initiative called Operation Noah. Many of the animals rescued during Operation Noah were released in the Mutusadona National Park.

Caribbea Bay (One of the best holiday resorts in Kariba, Zimbabwe)

Nyaminyami {River god}

Thursday, 8 March 2007

Hwange National Park

The park is situated on the main road between Bulawayo and Vic Falls in Zimbabwe and is home to vast herds of elephant, buffalo, zebra, giraffe, many predators and endangered species.
Hotels & Lodges in Hwange:-